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Marketing Academy

Welcome to the Marketing Academy

Our Marketing Academy is where we turn boring old marketing into a wild, fun-filled adventure!

Say goodbye to dry lectures and hello to hands-on learning, real-world examples, and even some great stories along the way.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketing pro looking to up your game, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to level up your marketing skills and become a master of the craft!

"If you want your brand to stand out and succeed, it's essential to establish a strong marketing foundation. Without a well-planned strategy and a solid grasp of the basics, building a successful brand can be an uphill battle."
Sabrina Polakoff
Founder - Make My Day Group

What to expect?

At our Marketing Academy, we’ll teach you all the tricks of the trade in a fun and interactive way!

Our fearless leader, Sabrina Polakoff, has held multiple management roles in marketing for some of the biggest international companies and her own entrepreneurial experiences.

Our live workshops are perfect for entrepreneurs and startups who want to build a rock-solid marketing foundation for their brands. We promise it’ll be way more fun than a boring lecture. Plus, you’ll be able to apply what you learn on the spot and see results in no time! So, join the party and let’s make your brand a success!

Learn by doing
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Meet other entrepreneurs
Make your brand successful

What our entrepreneurs have to say...

The marketing fundamentals workshop is a gold mine. A balanced mix of theory and practice, the advantage of group brainstorming, finalized by individual coaching for each step of the workshop. I came out of it with a solid marketing base adapted to my project and actions to put in place for its development. Thank you, Sabrina!"
HĂ©loĂŻse Brun
Founder - Patternette
"Sabrina's workshops are the best! They are very personal, in small groups, which makes it very relevant for each start-up. The fact that every start-up has to prepare before each of the workshops makes it interactive and insightful. I would recommend 100%."
Grécie Van Innis
Founder - Just Waldo
"Sabrina has been invaluable in my journey to figure out the marketing part of my start up! She really takes her time to get to know your brand and helped me get a clear perspective on Tyranos' marketing strategy!"
Harmen Jans
Founder - Tyranos
"Sabrina has been of great help in my journey as a start-up! She really took her time to get to know your pains and helped me focus on my branding! She was very hands-on and also helped with the practical stuff of starting a Cosmetic start-up. Gold Butter will forever be grateful!"
Wendy Agyin
Co-founder - Gold Butter
"Sabrina guided me in a very practical and structured manner through all the marketing basics. All the theory is documented with real examples of big companies. Sabrina helped me to implement these practices into my own business. Being a good listener, she thinks along with your challenges. The workshop took place with a small group of 5 start-ups, just enough to make it a cosy and interactive experience in which we could learn from each other. Highly recommended and worth every minute."
Philippe Geudens
Founder - Zester
"Sabrina let us discover our marketing needs in a very interactive way and let us develop a marketing strategy for our business. If you are interested in learning more about the fundamentals of marketing while sharing experiences with other entrepreneurs, the marketing fundamental course is for you!"
SĂ©bastien Devlies
Co-Founder - Make It Mine
Your FREE Marketing Fundamentals
E-Book is your ultimate marketing guide!